Meet Simon

At Direct Travel, we pride ourselves on delivering responsive service and creating innovative solutions that streamline your travel program. The newest member of our team is here to do just that: Meet Simon!

Simon is Direct Travel’s AI-powered virtual assistant. Designed to provide rapid support for common requests that are better served through a self-service virtual assistant. Simon is available via webchat on and through our Direct2U mobile app.

What Can Simon Do?

Simon can help with a variety of tasks which once required contacting a Direct Travel professional. Need to update or review your profile? Just ask Simon. In need of an invoice to assist with your travel expenses? Simon can help with that, too!

With advancements in conversational artificial intelligence (AI), we’re now able to automate these and other interactions to deliver the best possible customer experience. Below are examples of what Simon can help you and your travelers manage in a fully automated environment.

  • Invoice and itinerary retrieval
  • Profile updates
  • Online booking tool password management
  • Traveler resources
  • TSA wait times
  • TSA allowable items

Since Simon was designed as a conversational bot, you can talk with Simon the same way you would communicate with another person. Currently, Simon is available in both English and French.

What’s Next For Simon

While you can already expect help with travel-related questions and tasks, Simon will continue to evolve as a virtual assistant to provide additional support across a variety of channels, including enterprise-collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams.

Best of all, Simon complements the work of our live agent teams, who remain committed to providing the same level of service and expertise you have come to expect from Direct Travel.

Ready to meet Simon for yourself? Experience fast and automated service with Simon now.