5 Ways to Keep Momentum Long After GBTA Ends

Direct Travel shares ways to take action on what you learned at GBTA Convention 2019

After making it through another GBTA Convention, energy and inspiration is running at an all-time high, which is the perfect time to take that education and excitement and translate it into action.

However, often times, when convention attendees return to the office, they are met with an overflowing inbox, projects that are waiting for their review, and quickly get swept back up into the everyday whirlwind.

Don’t let your passion and excitement fall by the wayside. Your return back to the office after GBTA is the most critical time to maintain momentum and we have a few ideas to keep energy high.

Here are 5 ways to successfully tackle your to-do list after GBTA.

Consider Areas of Improvement  

GBTA Convention 2019 had a staggering 175+ education sessions. That means you likely absorbed a lot of information and you’re not sure what to do with all of it.

Take an opportunity to sift through your notes and analyze the trends you are seeing. Likely those trends are areas that you will want to focus on for the remainder of 2019 and will help set your objectives for 2020. Here are a few main categories that were highlighted at this year’s convention that you may want to consider digging into:

  • Program Management
  • Cost Savings
  • Risk Management
  • Traveler Experience

Keeping your travelers safe is a key piece of travel management. Keeping them happy and healthy when traveling internationally is essential. Check out the Direct Travel Navigator Blog: 11 Safety Tips for Corporate Travelers Going Abroad

Safety Tips For Corporate Travelers Going Abroad

Research New Solutions You Learned About

Over the past few years, the travel industry has been inundated with technology and service options targeting niche markets. This flood of new innovations and solutions make it challenging for travel managers to identify the partners that work best for them. And with 400+ exhibitors at GBTA 2019, the challenge was more prevalent than ever.

It’s important to think about the categories you want to focus on in the future and compare and contrast the best technology that will help your program save money without sacrificing traveler experience.

If you weren’t able to stop by the Direct Travel booth, we previewed TravelStackTM – our new digital collection of technology & services designed to elevate your travel program. Let us know if you didn’t get a chance to see TravelStackTM in action and we can schedule a time go to through it together.

Put a Plan in Place & Share it

If your colleagues weren’t at GBTA to experience what you learned, it’s important to take that knowledge, digest it and share it with anyone who will listen. They may not see the importance of evolving the travel program or using a new technology initially, but they will see your excitement and know that it may be an opportunity to make improvements.

It’s recommended that you review and organize your thoughts in a way that presents your information most effectively. Once you have created a document that clearly articulates your takeaways, share with colleagues and supervisors and gain their buy-in so you get put your plan in motion.

Connect with Like-Minded People

With nearly 7,000 attendees, you were bound to have met new and interesting people. These individuals likely face the same challenges as you. Make sure you take the time to connect with them on social media, and strike up a conversation with them outside of the convention. You may find that they have figured out some creative solutions to your challenges that you haven’t tried and vice versa.

Looking for help?

Taking everything you learned and putting it into action can be overwhelming. We can help. Connect with a Direct Travel expert to share in your excitement and drive change in your travel program.

Related Resources

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